The pump sector is a major contributor to the European technology arena, and continuously pursues global competitiveness, whilst being ever conscious of the huge societal and environmental challenges it continues to face. These include an ongoing commitment to the development and delivery of energy efficiency and circular economy regulations. Additionally, the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalisation, including the regulations governing data sharing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, also need industry-wide scrutiny. Against ever increasing international competition, through which the public and private sectors are working more closely to form and frame policies that encourage national value chains, these ongoing developments require appropriate Europe-wide positioning.
In support of the current European legislative agenda, along with various broader topic areas of importance to the international pump sector, CPMA, on behalf of Europump, looks forward to providing a comprehensive and valuable business agenda for the represented pump manufacturers who will be in attendance.
Additionally, and as in previous years, there will be an equally engaging social programme, which includes two sumptuous gala dinners and plenty of time to experience all the wonderful sights and charm that this historic city has to offer.
Commenting on the event, Europump President, Luboš Michlík, said: “On behalf of Europump’s Executive Council, Commissions and Secretariat, I have the great pleasure of inviting you and your colleagues to the 2025 Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Czech Pump Manufacturers Association, and supported by SIGMA, a great deal of effort has been spent building on the success of last year’s event in the UK. We have an informative and productive series of meetings arranged, all of which will focus on some of the key issues facing the pump sector now and into the future. We also have a wonderful social programme planned, taking full advantage of the superb location, making this the ‘must attend’ event in 2025. I therefore look forward to welcoming you to Prague in May next year.”
As with previous Annual Meetings, there will be sessions dedicated to the activities of the various Europump working groups – Technical, Standards, Marketing and SME – plus a range of Keynote presentations from invited speakers who will share their thoughts and expertise on a range of topical and pump related issues. The event will also play host to an ISO TC 115 meeting, which is scheduled for the morning of Wednesday 21st May.
The event is open to all members of Europump, as well as those of its respective National Associations, and with an extensive programme of talks, presentations, and social gatherings, it will provide an unrivalled opportunity for senior executives from across the European pump sector to come together and develop their thinking and future goals.